Peter Hauser is in Japan for a semester abroad. He’s staying with the Sasaki family. It’s Peter’s first trip to Japan and the Sasakis’ first chance to host an exchange student.

After one week with the Sasakis Peter writes an email to a friend back in the U.S. At the same time Mrs. Sasaki (who is called okaasan by the family) is on the phone with the homestay coordinator at Peter’s study abroad program office. Here is what Peter and the okaasan have to say about the progress of the homestay. . .

Peter’s View:
I’m all set with registration. And things are going just dandy with my host family. They told me I should feel like their house was my house. I really lucked out! No curfew! No rules!
Okaasan’s View:
This is the first time we’ve had an exchange student for a semester, and we are very anxious and nervous about it. We want everything to go well. We expect he’ll catch on to our ways of doing things and adjust as time goes by.

1. Peter's Room

I have my own bedroom and it’s got everything—a new computer, wifi access—the works. My new dad and mom seem really nice, and the boys seem okay too. Of course it’s hard to know anything for sure at this point, since my language skills are not as good as I thought.

We were worried about whether Peter will be comfortable living here, in our small house. So we gave him our elder son’s room and moved him in with his younger brother. We also bought many new things for the room.
2. Meals

3. Showing Peter around

4. Going out with Friends

5. From here . . .

I think this is shaping up to be a great semester.
All in all, I wonder how we’ll ever be able to manage this for a whole semester.